Total running cost: $0.0182
Consider the given context and following statements, then determine whether they are supported by the information present in the context. Provide a brief explanation for each statement before arriving at the final verdict (Yes/No). Provide a final vertict for each statement in order at the end in the given format. Do not deviate from the specified format. Context: {context} Statements: {faithfulness_statements}
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
d341f2fe906e4c1d0eacfd3e44f6e224completed 00:07:401 month agoox 38565 tokens$ 0.0166
Consider the given context and following statements, then determine whether they are supported by the information present in the context. Provide a brief explanation for each statement before arriving at the final verdict (Yes/No). Provide a final vertict for each statement in order at the end in the given format. Do not deviate from the specified format. Context: {context} Statements: {faithfulness_statements}
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
Sample - N/Acompleted 00:00:231 month agoox 1935 tokens$ 0.0008
Consider the given context and following statements, then determine whether they are supported by the information present in the context. Provide a brief explanation for each statement before arriving at the final verdict (Yes/No). Provide a final vertict for each statement in order at the end in the given format. Do not deviate from the specified format. Context: {context} Statements: {faithfulness_statements}
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
Sample - N/Acompleted 00:00:241 month agoox 1858 tokens$ 0.0008