Total running cost: $0.0460
Given a question and an answer, create one or more statements from each sentence in the given answer. The statements should be in an ordered list such as 1. First Statement 2. Second Statement etc... question: {question} answer: {answer}
847text → text
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
191817f619936f4ed7f19c88b477b833completed 00:21:511 month agoox 145873 tokens$ 0.0451
Given a question and an answer, create one or more statements from each sentence in the given answer. The statements should be in an ordered list such as 1. First Statement 2. Second Statement etc... question: {question} answer: {answer}
5text → text
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
Sample - N/Acompleted 00:00:081 month agoox 951 tokens$ 0.0003
Given a question and an answer, create one or more statements from each sentence in the given answer. question: {question} answer: {answer}
5text → text
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
Sample - N/Acompleted 00:00:101 month agoox 910 tokens$ 0.0003
Given a question and an answer, create one or more statements from each sentence in the given answer. question: {question} answer: {answer} statement_1:
5text → text
OpenAI OpenAIopenai GPT 4o mini
Sample - N/Acompleted 00:00:081 month agoox 868 tokens$ 0.0003