text → text
GPT 4o
Q: "turn left" A: "turn left" outputs "TURN LEFT". Q: "turn right" A: "turn right" outputs "TURN RIGHT". Q: "jump left" A: The output of "jump left" concatenates: the output of "turn left", the output of "jump". "turn left" outputs "TURN LEFT". "jump" outputs "JUMP". So concatenating the output of "turn left" and the output of "jump" leads to "TURN LEFT" + "JUMP". So the output of "jump left" is "TURN LEFT" + "JUMP". Q: "run right" A: The output of "run right" concatenates: the output of "turn right", the output of "run". "turn right" outputs "TURN RIGHT". "run" outputs "RUN". So concatenating the output of "turn right" and the output of "run" leads to "TURN RIGHT" + "RUN". So the output of "run right" is "TURN RIGHT" + "RUN". Q: "look twice" A: The output of "look twice" concatenates: the output of "look", the output of "look". "look" outputs "LOOK". So repeating the output of "look" two times leads to "LOOK" * 2. So the output of "look twice" is "LOOK" * 2. Q: "run and look twice" A: The output of "run and look twice" concatenates: the output of "run", the output of "look twice". "run" outputs "RUN". "look twice" outputs "LOOK" * 2. So concatenating the output of "run" and the output of "look twice" leads to "RUN" + "LOOK" * 2. So the output of "run and look twice" is "RUN" + "LOOK" * 2. Q: "jump right thrice" A: The output of "jump right thrice" concatenates: the output of "jump right", the output of "jump right", the output of "jump right". "jump right" outputs "TURN RIGHT" + "JUMP". So repeating the output of "jump right" three times leads to ("TURN RIGHT" + "JUMP") * 3. So the output of "jump right thrice" is ("TURN RIGHT" + "JUMP") * 3 Q: "walk after run" A: The output of "walk after run" concatenates: the output of "run", the output of "walk". "run" outputs "RUN". "walk" outputs "WALK". So concatenating the output of "run" and the output of "walk" leads to "RUN" + "WALK". So the output of "walk after run" is "RUN" + "WALK". Q: "turn opposite left" A: The output of "turn opposite left" concatenates: the output of "turn left", the output of "turn left". "turn left" outputs "TURN LEFT". So repeating the output of "turn left" twice leads to "TURN LEFT" * 2. So the output of "turn opposite left" is "TURN LEFT" * 2. Q: "turn around left" A: The output of "turn around left" concatenates: the output of "turn left", the output of "turn left", the output of "turn left", the output of "turn left". "turn left" outputs "TURN LEFT". So repeating the output of "turn left" four times leads to "TURN LEFT" * 4. So the output of "turn around left" is "TURN LEFT" * 4. Q: "turn opposite right" A: The output of "turn opposite right" concatenates: the output of "turn right", the output of "turn right". "turn right" outputs "TURN RIGHT". So repeating the output of "turn right" twice leads to "TURN RIGHT" * 2. So the output of "turn opposite right" is "TURN RIGHT" * 2. Q: "turn around right" A: The output of "turn around right" concatenates: the output of "turn right", the output of "turn right", the output of "turn right", the output of "turn right". "turn right" outputs "TURN RIGHT". So repeating the output of "turn right" four times leads to "TURN RIGHT" * 4. So the output of "turn around right" is "TURN RIGHT" * 4. Q: "walk opposite left" A: The output of "walk opposite left" concatenates: the output of "turn opposite left", the output of "walk". "turn opposite left" outputs "TURN LEFT" * 2. "walk" outputs "WALK". So concatenating the output of "turn opposite left" and the output of "walk" leads to "TURN LEFT" * 2 + "WALK". Q: {input} A:
Oct 18, 2024, 3:54 AM UTC
Oct 18, 2024, 3:55 AM UTC
5 row sample
7008 tokens
5 rows processed, 7008 tokens used
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3 columns, 1-5 of 100 rows